Legacy Migration

By migrating to a more secure and reliable system, you can help your business remain agile, boost resilience, and simplify your legacy systems simultaneously. Plus, you can rest assured that your data will be safe and secure with the transition. Chudovo's team has the expertise to run your migration smoothly.
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Stay Relevant with Chudovo App Modernization Services

Chudovo provides expert developers for modernizing and migrating legacy applications, smoothly transitioning from outmoded software systems to the newest technology stack, and creating tailored migration solutions for older applications.
  • Legacy System Modernization
    Our Legacy System Modernization services guarantee a seamless and effective transition, infusing vitality into obsolete systems. We utilize cutting-edge approaches to rejuvenate legacy systems, improving functionality, security, and performance while safeguarding the core. Upgrade your systems to meet the demands of the highly competitive technological niche.
  • Application Modernization
    Chudovo's Legacy Application Modernization services are designed to deal with the compatibility, scalability, and user experience challenges. Our team of experts uses innovative strategies to modernize applications, integrating contemporary features, intuitive interfaces, and robust security measures. Transform and improve your applications to boost efficiency and performance.
  • Application Migration
    Migrating from outdated applications to state-of-the-art technology demands a careful strategy to avoid business disruptions. Chudovo specializes in Legacy Application Migration, managing smooth transitions to reduce downtime and boost productivity. Move with assurance as we lead you through a personalized journey to the newest software solutions.
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Legacy migration services

Why Companies are Using Outdated Legacy Systems

There is a tendency to resist change everywhere. The initial discomfort it brings can be off-putting, and it can take a while for us to adjust to the new. Many business owners who rely on the existing system can relate to this. Here are some key reasons they are reluctant to move away from it.
Business Requirements
Investment 360
Legacy System Migration
Business Requirements
There is no sense of urgency for a replacement if the current application fulfills its purpose; people are more content with the system they have been using for years and are hesitant to switch. Thus, organizations typically stick with the plan if the existing system can meet the business's needs.
Investment 360
Migrating from legacy systems is a complex and lengthy process and requires an up-front expense. This cost can be off-putting to some companies. However, it is essential to remember that such a change requires professional assistance to execute the shift successfully, which can add to the overall expense. Thus, while the initial investment may be considerable, the result of migrating to the cloud can be highly beneficial.
Legacy System Migration
Over time, working with the same system can lead to it becoming familiar with specific technical issues, and users may need to realize the requirement to switch to a new one. However, various challenges can arise when using the system, like frequent crashes, inadequate backup, difficulty accessing data, or inability to handle many users, all of which can impede the effectiveness of the business.

The key pillars of legacy migration and digital transformation

Many organizations may find migrating legacy applications to be a daunting or unneeded task. However, failing to update can impede business growth and impede agility. Those who have successfully shifted from a monolithic architecture to a modern cloud-based composable microservices architecture have experienced numerous advantages.

Here is a summary of the changes in technology during the last few years and how modernization and best practices differ.
Event-Driven Architecture
Event-Driven Architecture (EDA) may not be as well-known as cloud or DevOps, but it is essential for a microservices-oriented architecture. Unlike request/response-driven legacy architectures, EDA allows for real-time, asynchronous interactions with software.

With EDA, events are sent without waiting for a response and can be consumed by receiving applications as needed, which fits perfectly with the loosely coupled components of microservices. In short, Event Driven Architecture is essential for modern software architecture.

It enables components to be created, implemented, deployed, and managed independently, with the capacity for modifications and scalability.
DevOps Pipelines for Rapid, Reliable Software Delivery
DevOps and the cloud are closely related. Developing on the cloud makes it easier to transition from development to deployment. Many leading cloud platforms offer continuous integration, delivery, and infrastructure automation to enable DevOps. Strong DevOps (or DevSecOps) practices and implementations are crucial for the quality and speed of modern application development.

Finding the right balance between releasing new features and guaranteeing reliability for users is critical. With more operational systems, SRE (Site Reliability Engineering) can be used to automate tasks and troubleshoot.
Containers and Microservices
Containers have been a significant force in software development over the past decade, driving DevOps processes with their modularity and looser coupling. It has enabled microservices to become the predominant architectural pattern, breaking applications into individual, self-contained services in place of giant, complex monoliths.

This shift has had far-reaching implications for how businesses operate, enabling them to focus more on product management, features, and optimizations - tasks that are difficult in legacy systems.
Automation and Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC)
Migrating to an event-based microservices architecture may bring about some complexity, but it can also diminish it in other areas. Infrastructure automation is the answer to this, as it allows the entire architecture and infrastructure to be coded, developed, changed, and automated – freeing it from the restrictions of legacy/monolithic applications.

A vital advantage of this is the ability to quickly create and remove test environments as needed, along with the relevant application, in a cloud environment.
API Integrations
APIs are at the core of this current system infrastructure/architecture method, which provides a universal way to supply and access services from a growing ecosystem. Utilizing APIs grants the capability to link and combine services and data inside an organization and facilitates broader integration with external systems and data sources.

Employing APIs can fuel your products and services by controlling services and gaining access to more comprehensive data, eventually providing more value to customers or to you internally.

Take your apps beyond migration:

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Optimize Your Solutions Portfolio
Maximize the value of your apps by reusing services to reduce complexity in your software landscape. Shift apps or components to the cloud for increased automation and a lower total cost of ownership.
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Scale as Business Needs Change
Adapt and enhance the capabilities of your apps to meet user and business requirements that evolve. By leveraging microservices, changes specific to a business unit can be made without impacting other components.
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Deliver World-Class User Experiences
Create applications with multiple experiences, including web-based, PWA, and native mobile apps optimized for offline use — all providing exceptional, unified experiences.
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Drive Innovation
Chudovo simplifies the process of continuously refining and enhancing your business applications. You can quickly explore new ideas and adjust strategies through an experimental and adaptive approach.

Eight Key Steps for Successful Modernization

Legacy migration services are essential for businesses transitioning from outdated systems to more efficient, modern, and scalable solutions. Here are eight key considerations for engaging in legacy migration services

Distinct types of migration

There are two distinct types of migration: lift-and-shift and business transformation:

App Migration types

Application Rehosting
Application Replatforming
Refactoring / Rearchitecting
Application Rehosting

In this case, the legacy applications are transferred to the cloud or modern infrastructure without making significant changes to the application itself. It is a fast and comparatively simple way to migrate the system. The drawback of this variant is that it does not have many cloud-oriented advantages and does not leverage the full potential of modern architectures. However, it is optimal when a company aims to guarantee access to its app from any global location when the consumption of hardware resources needs optimization.

Application Replatforming

Replatforming option means migrating legacy applications to a new platform or infrastructure with certain changes to the code and architecture. It enables leveraging modern capabilities, improving performance, efficiency, and additional features. It usually requires more effort than rehosting but offers significant benefits regarding technology utilization and ensures compatibility with the platform’s specific requirements.

Refactoring / Rearchitecting

This type of legacy application migration involves redesigning the system architecture to improve scalability, increase performance, address limitations, and adapt to new requirements. This approach may involve adopting microservices, service-oriented architecture (SOA), or other modern architectural patterns. However, this method requires more skilled professionals and a greater financial and time investment than the previous options.

The Benefits You Can Expect if You Decide to Migrate

Migrating from outdated applications to modern systems offers numerous advantages, such as cost savings, improved performance, enhanced agility, and better collaboration. This transition enables businesses to thrive in today's fast-paced digital landscape.
Cost Optimization
Migrating to a new environment provides a long-term solution for cost optimization. While there may be an initial investment, the overall savings in maintenance, software, and licensing costs are substantial. Additionally, transitioning to the cloud allows businesses to leverage cloud providers' infrastructure, reducing the need for expensive in-house IT infrastructure.
Enhanced Data Accessibility
Migrating legacy applications to a new environment facilitates improved data access, addressing the challenges of outdated databases. It is crucial in today's fast-paced business environment, where quick and efficient access to information is paramount for decision-making and staying competitive.
Limitless Scaling
Legacy databases can become bottlenecks for businesses aiming to scale and expand their digital presence. Migration to a new environment, particularly cloud-based systems, enables limitless scaling. Cloud computing allows businesses to adjust demand-based capacity, supporting seamless expansion or contraction without significant hardware investments.
Data Protection
Migrating to a new environment provides an opportunity to implement modern security protocols, offering advanced security features and ensuring a more resilient defense against potential threats. Additionally, reliable backup and data recovery systems can be established to safeguard against data loss or damage.
Improved Performance
Upgrading to modern infrastructure and applications can enhance system performance, resulting in quicker response times, improved efficiency, and an enhanced user experience. This enhanced performance can positively impact overall productivity and customer satisfaction.
Streamlined Maintenance
With the transition to modern platforms, maintaining systems becomes easier. Cloud-based solutions often come with automatic updates and maintenance, reducing the burden on IT teams and ensuring the system remains up-to-date and secure.
Agility and Flexibility
Modernizing applications allows for greater agility and flexibility in responding to market trends and business needs. Cloud-based solutions enable businesses to scale resources up or down based on demand, providing flexibility that is challenging to achieve with traditional, on-premise systems.
Enhanced Collaboration and Connectivity
Modernization facilitates improved connectivity and integration with other applications, both within and outside the organization, enhancing collaboration, data sharing, and the overall efficiency of business processes.


1. What Is Legacy Data Migration? Answer
Migrating legacy data involves transferring data from an outdated database to a more current one. This process usually consists of creating a strategy, backing up data, setting up the destination environment, testing, migrating, and monitoring.
2. How Do I Know When It's Time for a Legacy Migration? Answer
Legacy data migration is the best way to move forward when your current storage environment is outdated. Many businesses use obsolete systems or unsupported infrastructure, preventing them from meeting changing customer and business requirements. Legacy migration allows organizations to transition to more up-to-date technology to keep up with the pace of their operations. Although replacing the entire monolith can be daunting, legacy migration is a viable option to modernize with the speed of your unique business.
3. How Long Does the Migration Process Take? Answer
The length of the legacy data migration process is contingent upon numerous factors, including the volume of data needing to be transferred and the particular necessities and expectations. Typically, two methods can be followed: migrating all data at once or migrating small quantities of data bit by bit.
4. What Are the Best Practices for Legacy Data Migration? Answer
Creating a strategy for legacy data migration is crucial to success. A data audit should be conducted, data security should be ensured, and realistic estimates should be made at the planning stage. Establishing the process in advance is also vital for meeting objectives. All team members should share a vision of migration to ensure successful outcomes.
5. How Else Can Legacy Systems Be Modernized? Answer
There are two alternatives for organizations considering changes to their legacy systems and processes. Extending the current system is suitable for those with a functioning core infrastructure. It enables the addition of new, modern applications and processes without disrupting ongoing operations. Replacement of the legacy system is another, albeit a more time-consuming and resource-intensive approach. However, in some cases, this may be the optimal long-term solution.
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