Microservices Development Services with .NET

Our .NET software architects with 15+ years of experience in the IT industry build and deploy applications, broken down into independent services. We deliver secure, highly scalable, and fail-resistant systems for businesses.
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Services We Offer

Microservices Design Patterns We Handle

Decompositions Patterns
Decomposition patterns are intended to break down the system into separate functional units. Our architects outline manageable services by:
  • Subdomain - decomposition into services to align with DDD sub-domains
  • Business capabilities - decomposition to align with the business structural units
  • Transaction - decomposition by grouping multiple microservices by the transaction
  • Strangler pattern used by migration from the monolith to microservices - strangler application is built around the legacy application and consists of services with new functionality and services that replicate the functionality of the monolith
  • Bulkhead pattern - cell-based approach when the functional units of the application are organized into pools; if one of the pools fails, others are not affected and continue to operate
  • Sidecar pattern - sidecar service is developed as a “side part” of the primary application for the execution of the set of peripheral tasks
Integration Patterns
Integration patterns facilitate the data transfer between the systems/services. We use the following:
  • API gateway pattern - is an entry point for the clients, it routes client requests to the back-end services
  • Aggregator pattern - calls and collects the data from multiple services, combining the result in a single response
  • Proxy pattern - serves as an intermediary for forwarding client requests while abstracting the back-end details
  • Gateway routing pattern - single endpoint routes the requests to several services
  • Chained microservice pattern - used when it is needed to execute the series of requests to different services in the specific order
  • Branch pattern - serves for the concurrent request processing from several microservice chains
  • Client-side UI composition pattern - assembling component-based UI on the client-side
Database Patterns
Our microservices developers can apply the following database patterns:
  • Database per service - microservices are loosely coupled as each of them has its dedicated database, persistent data of the service is accessible only via the service’s API
  • Shared database per service - by this pattern, the microservices share the same database
  • CQRS - separation of read & update operations for the data storage
  • Event sourcing - this design pattern is typically used with CQRS and foresees storing the sequence of the state-changing events into the write database
  • Saga - series of transactions that update the DB, sending message or event for triggering the next transaction
Observability Patterns
Software architects at Chudovo use the following observability patterns:
  • Log aggregation - logging service collects and stores logs for problems troubleshooting and analysis
  • Performance metrics - collecting the metrics for services performance analysis
  • Distributed tracing - tracking and monitoring of requests flow through the services
  • Health check - health check API ensures correct operation of the microservices and request handling
Cross-Cutting Concern Patterns
Our software engineers can handle these cross-cutting concern patterns:
  • External configuration - externalization of application settings (environment variables, DB credentials, and more)
  • Service discovery - the pattern is used for the dynamic services location identification
  • Circuit breaker - regulation of the number of requests to a certain service in case it is likely to fail, removal of request limitations when the service resumes its usual mode of operation
  • Blue-green deployment - running 2 prod environments live, the stable version available for users, and idle, where are available dev changes

Why Choose Chudovo for Microservices Development with .NET

Among the reasons to choose our microservices development teams are the following:

  • Our company has been working on the market since 2006, focusing on .NET technology solutions
  • We have a portfolio of .NET projects that adopt over 16 industries, including fintech, healthcare, logistics, security, and more
  • We build the microservices-based architecture, following best practices and delivering the customers functional, scalable, and secure software products
  • Our .NET team includes software architects, developers, DevOps, and QA automation experts, and can cover different aspects of microservices product development. The average developer experience is 5+ years
  • Chudovo is recognized as the strongest in Estonia company with an AA rating several times in a row

What our Experts Say

Dmytro Chudov CEO & CTO
In the projects I managed, the use of microservices has allowed the simple management of the large code base, improved system stability & fault tolerance, enabled smooth scaling of the systems with high traffic, and solved main business tasks. .NET is the technology I recommend for the microservices development and our teams can assist in this process.
Dmytro Chudov

Technologies We Use

Message Brokers
.NET Technologies
Containerization and Orchestration
Notification Services
Message Brokers
  • RabbitMQ
  • Azure Service Bus
  • Kafka
  • Mosquitto
  • Apache RocketMQ
  • EMQ X
  • Apache Pulsar
  • ActiveMQ
  • ZeroMQ
  • NATS
.NET Technologies
Containerization and Orchestration
  • Azure Service Fabric
  • Docker
  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
  • Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)
  • Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)
  • Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS)
Notification Services
  • Azure Service Bus
  • AWS Simple Notification Service (SNS)
  • Google Cloud Pub/Sub

Benefits of Microservices Built with .NET

Our .NET development teams have listed the main benefits of building microservices architectures with .NET
Overall System Scalability and High Performance
Development teams can easily scale software based on microservices and extend the overall functionality of the solutions without global impact on the system as a whole. Also, such applications are characterized by high performance with fast load times.
Services Isolation, Low System Failure Rates, and Fast Recovery
Each module in the microservices architecture is an isolated part of the functionality, services are loosely coupled with each other. If one of the services fails, other parts of the system continue their stable operation. Besides, the services can be deployed on multiple instances: in case of failure, some service instances continue working. Often, microservices have implemented failover mechanisms.
Incremental Deployment, and Easier Maintenance
The services are self-isolated units, and each of them can be deployed independently, there is no need for the deployment of the whole system. This reduces the risk of the impact of the software system and enables work on the services by separate teams.
Flexibility in Tech Stack
Another big benefit of the microservices architecture is module independence, each service can be developed in different programming languages and tools.
Get in Touch with our .NET Software Architects and Microservices Developers