Facial recognition access control
Facial recognition access control
Project overview

Development of the facial recognition access control feature & its integration with the customer’s existing VMS software.

Facial recognition access control

The provider of complex video security solutions for small, middle, and enterprise-level companies.
Project Facts
Technologies: .NET, MSSQL, Angular, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Facial Recognition API
Industry: Business Services
Location: Germany
Project Duration: 120 Man-days
Project overview

Development of the facial recognition access control feature & its integration with the customer’s existing VMS software.

Business Challenge

Customer’s VMS software is in demand in Germany and other countries. Clients include organizations of various levels, ranging from retail chains to government institutions. The automation of access systems by face recognition algorithm brings lots of advantages for such organizations. For this reason, the customer decided to implement the facial recognition access control feature as a part of the existing video management software.


The main aim of the feature is the identity verification of the person from a video frame. Images are captured from a distance, so the identification doesn’t require interacting with the person directly. In comparison with other technologies (recognition through fingerprint, palmprint, or iris) non-contact process of face recognition provides immediate results without delays and leaves the subjects entirely unaware of the process.

The developed face recognition access control functionality takes the image from the physical device and sends the event to the VMS server. After that one of the following actions is sent:

  • Access denied & granted
  • Checked in & out
  • Spoof detection 
  • Tailgating Detected & Allowed
  • Escorting Allowed

Business Impact

The customer received the following advantages:

  • Face recognition access control was developed according to the deadlines and defined scope of work
  • VMS software was featured with the option for identity verification to simplify access control monitoring processes
  • The face recognition functionality works as a part of the analytics of video management software

TOP Use Cases for Face Recognition

Facial recognition technology is widely used. Here are listed top use cases, where face recognition comes in handy:

  • Access control. Access control itself is some kind of restriction of access to specific places & resources. Facial recognition is used for this purpose in commercial as well as residential facilities (employee & visitor entry), public places like airports (immigration control), medical institutions (access to the equipment and medical cabinets), etc.
  • Security and surveillance. For example, facial recognition prevents the entering of blocklisted & unidentified individuals, grants access at warehouses or factories only to authorized personnel, etc.
  • Health and safety. This point is really important in times of pandemics or when access to areas is needed only under specific health conditions. For instance, nowadays exists the technology that identifies if the person has the mask and if this mask is worn properly.
  • Time and attendance. This case is important for big organizations that track & employee work times and their attendance. Traditional systems often require physical identification like badges, more progressive solutions enable this identification through smart facial recognition.

There are so many other areas where facial recognition technology is used that it is impossible to list them all. However, it can be clearly stated that face recognition through systems can cover many needs of business and activity in general. Contact our team to discuss face recognition solutions for your needs.

Facial recognition access control
The provider of complex video security solutions for small, middle, and enterprise-level companies.
Project Facts
Technologies: .NET, MSSQL, Angular, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Facial Recognition API
Industry: Business Services
Location: Germany
Project Duration: 120 Man-days
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