Hire .NET Developers

Our company provides hiring services of top .NET developers who bring agility, reduce dev costs, and deliver secure software within tight deadlines.
Hire .NET developers

Four-Step .NET Developer Hiring Process

The hiring procedure we follow enables our company to hire top .NET developers. The process is the following:

  • Gathering requirements from the customer. The understanding of the project itself, customer requirements of the future .NET candidate like technical competencies, previous project experience, and seniority, potential responsibilities of the developer, helps our team to select and offer only those profiles that are a real match.
  • Sending available .NET developer’s profiles. We provide the customer with the CVs of the .NET developers from the Chudovo team who are currently available for the work on the project. Sometimes the customer requests more candidates and in this case, we find the software engineers using our other channels. After conducting the HR&tech interviews on our side, we provide the CVs to the customer.
  • Hiring process on the customer’s side. The client chooses the candidates he is interested in. After the customer’s team with the involvement of Chudovo conducts .NET developer’s interviews. It might be a test task, tech, and HR interview. Anyway, each company has its own process.
  • Project start. The customer chooses one or multiple .NET developers to hire. The developer can start on the project after signing the contract and agreeing on all the details. 

Selected .NET Projects

Back-End Application for Time Monitoring

Back-End App for Time Monitoring

We helped to build a back-end .NET development team with the microservices experience to deliver the time tracking module for the existing customer’s cloud-based system.

Logistics Management System

Logistics Management App

Our company assisted the customer in hiring .NET developers for the implementation of the desktop app for the grocery chain to automate their logistics workflows.

Symptom Therapy App

Symptom Diary App

Chudovo offered the client mobile .NET developers for the delivery of the solution for tracking patients’ symptoms over time.

Development and maintenance of the medical applications

Medical Applications

Our team provided full-stack web .NET developers for the US customer for solution reengineering and maintenance.

Sample .NET Developer Profiles

Each customer request differs from each other due to the project specifics and required skills to work on it. Below we add sample profiles of .NET developers with the minimum requirements that we set for each seniority level.

What Business Issues Can Hiring .NET Developers Solve

Based on our hiring experience, we have identified the most common cases when companies needed to involve .NET experts:

  • Your in-house employees don’t have enough expertise in .NET-related technologies 
  • Your organization doesn’t have a software engineering department
  • Your company has a limited budget for software development or has a need for implementation of a small part of the functionality, where the hiring of in-house employees cannot be reasonable
  • Your project is quite complex and your company has faced constant delays with software delivery or the poor quality of the executed works
  • Your company already works with the service provider but needs diversification
  • Your organization’s software solution is outdated, requires high maintenance costs, and raises the need to transfer it to modern software architectures and technologies

The above cases are real situations in which our customers decided to hire .NET developers with Chudovo. As a result, our customers solved their business concerns.

Why Partner with Chudovo

Reasons to cooperate with us:

What Our Experts Say

Juliya Shmatok

How fast can you hire .NET developers for my project?

The team I managed had cases when the customer wanted to hire .NET developers "for tomorrow". My team was able to offer the first CVs within 1 day due to the candidate’s database, available bench, and well-established recruitment processes. From my practical experience - the bigger the developer network the recruiter has the higher the chances of finding the .NET candidate with the needed stack, skills, and experience within the short term.

Juliya Shmatok
Head of Human Resources
Hire .NET developer with Chudovo Team