Karl Gorman
Secret Santa and Miracle Inspiration for IT kids

Secret Santa and Miracle Inspiration for IT kids

CHUDOVO supports the hard workers. Because we are the same. We believe that any person can succeed in career, no matter what conditions one was born in. People should focus on the idea of “what can I bring into this world” not on the construction of “what the world can give me?”. Professionalism means being consistent and responsible, understanding of systematically working necessity, constantly lea rning and believing in yourself. Therefore, it is so important from childhood to instill in children the love of work and education and explain that success is the result of labor.

More than 1 year ago CHUDOVO entered into charitable educational IT program for children named “Rozumne Maybutnie”. Every weekend the school trains 36 teenagers from disadvantaged families how to become great developers. We divide their philosophy “Giving money — it’s extra easy, similar giving a fish to the hungry. But if you donate a fish-rod to learn how to fish – hungry will never starve”. Thus, little students have the opportunity to get an interesting high-paying profession.

Sometimes you need to discover additional sources of creativity to detect the motivation which you loosing when you work hard all the time. So, we decided to create a new inspiration channel for driving kids more about studying and won’t stop and invite a special guest.

Our Secret Santa gave presents and then unexpectedly for the children turned out to be an Olympic Champion and a world famous Ukrainian sportsman! He has been talking about huge desires, big challenges, long term and difficult trainings and willpower. Great victories are achieved by small and constant steps. Don’t stop of being fighters because it’s an only one way to succeed and become champions.

The children were delighted. They were very inspired by the words of the Olympic champion. We are grateful that, despite the fact that our Secret Santa has a busy schedule of sport training, he took the time to congratulate the children and support them.

After all, success is 1 percent of talent, 3 percent of desire, 96 percent of hard work. And it is so important that the children have learned this already from childhood.

The more hard to study, the more easier to fight.


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