Karl Gorman
Chudovo Blog

Chudovo begins to support IT education

Today in the technological age it’s very important to develop and support the young generation and kids’ IT education. And since many families in Ukraine suffer a lot from the consequences of the military actions for the sake of preserving sovereignty, CHUDOVO is now taking active part in a project IT Charity School “Smart Future” along with the leading IT companies in Ukraine and an IT school “Brain Academy”.

Young Chudovo team starts to receive IT knowledge

15 children from needy families, aged from 10 to 14 years, whose fathers died or got heavy injuries during the anti-terrorist operation in the East Ukraine or from large families, shall be studying general principles of software development. Some of them would already start learning the technologies.

The studying of modern IT technologies

Children will find out about a lot of things in the field of IT during the course of “Smart Future”, for instance, about Front-End development, network security, elements of 3D-graphics, latest directions and trends of IT. The elder children are, the more information the course will outline. The group of children aged from 15 to 17 by the end of the course will be able to develop their own web-sites and small applications using one of the most popular technologies. “Smart Future” is planning to extend its activity and encourage children to spend their time in the “Smart Academy” labs earning their first money and creating their portfolio instead of sitting idle or being on the pad.

Opportunity to build own future

Thus, thanks to the “Smart Future” IT Charity School these children will have an opportunity to build their own future in the technological world. CHUDOVO concurred with “Smart Future” initiative since it finds it crucial to help the ones in need as well as to contribute to raising new IT-generation.