
.NET 5.0: Preview 8

Microsoft has released .Net 5 preview. The eighth preview version has almost all the main functions, and some of them will refer to the next release candidates and, of .Net 5.0 course, to the major release in November. The provisional date is November 10th.

Chudovo will be happy to share a brief overview of the new functions with you:

.Net 5.0 What’s New?

The open-source framework Blazor will be significantly improved.

Blazor is a free web framework, a product of Microsoft. It provides the ability to create web applications with C # and HTML. With Preview 8, Blazor should send the .NET-5 runtime and libraries. Blazor Web Assembly uses mono libraries. Using the .NET 5 runtime environment brings a lot of productivity gains. According to the .NET team, any CPU code in .NET 5 should be about 30% faster. And the JSON serialization and deserialization increase by 60% accordingly. The Blazor components’ visualization is also significantly optimized.

The open-source framework Blazor will be significantly improved.

Blazor is a free web framework, a product of Microsoft. It provides the ability to create web applications with C # and HTML. With Preview 8, Blazor should send the .NET-5 runtime and libraries. Blazor Web Assembly uses mono libraries. Using the .NET 5 runtime environment brings a lot of productivity gains. According to the .NET team, any CPU code in .NET 5 should be about 30% faster. And the JSON serialization and deserialization increase by 60% accordingly. The Blazor components’ visualization is also significantly optimized.

What’s new for Entity Framework Core

The ORM mapmaker becomes much better in the first release. It is worth emphasizing the abstraction of N: M intermediate tables. Previously, developers had to model N: M relationships in the object model, as in the database model as two 1: N relationships. The abstraction known from the classic Entity Framework returns that two objects are allowed to have a many-to-many relationship, and the OR mapmaker transparently reflects this to an intermediate table. It makes migrating existing applications from Entity Framework 6.x easier.

.NET software development .NET class can now be the basis for several entity types through Indexer Properties. These general type entities make it possible to compare tables from the database during the application runtime that did not exist at the development time. The previously possible comparison of types to any SQL commands (defining queries) has become better with ToSqlQuery ().

Besides, ExcludeFromMigrations () can exclude the tables from the schema migrations. The OR mapmaker now carries out schema migrations in transactions. Developers can use command line commands to mark pending migrations.

It is also new that the events have been added while launching at the time of maintaining: SavingChanges (), SavedChanges (), and SaveChangesFailed (). Developers can influence the storage process in a SaveChangesInterceptor. The maximum size of commands sent to the database in a batch is now 42. To diagnose, operators of an application can now call up the OR mapmaker’s event counters and Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore control dotnet counters.

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Other new functions of the .NET 5.0 release include the following:

  • Single file applications
  • More powerful JsonSerializer APIs
  • Complete set of references to allow resetting
  • Support for Windows ARM64
  • Improved productivity in NET libraries, GC, and JIT
  • New language versions: C # 9 and F # 5.0
  • Support for WebAssembly

There you can download .Net 5.0 for Windows, macOS, and Linux.

Chudovo looks forward to the final version of .NET 5.0, which will be released on November 10, 2020, as a part of the virtual .NET Conf. Our .Net software development team regularly reacts to all innovations and is happy to be at your disposal. If you need any help with a project, please don’t hesitate and contact us.