Karl Gorman
Node.js Development

Understanding Node.js Development for Modern Applications

Node.js is an open-source runtime environment. It’s centered on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine and written in JavaScript. It’s used for server-side operations: it ushers JavaScript programming to the backend and runs applications on Linux, Windows, and OS X, among others.

This new and powerful technology development operates on a single-thread loop, called the “event loop,” allowing it to support thousands of concurrent connections without incurring the cost of thread context switching. The design of sharing a single thread among all the requests that use the observer pattern yields highly powered applications where any function performing I/O must use a callback.

Since 2009, Node.js has been on the rise and remains a first choice among developers and programmers the world over. But how did the adoption of node.js development in the technological service world become so widespread? In this article, we’ll explain what it’s all about.

Node.js Development

Origin of Node.js

To frame it in simple terms, Node.js is a subset of JavaScript. Think of a more successful child of a very successful parent. It uses a different engine than the one used in a browser, resulting in a variant with access to objects and libraries better suited for server-side programmings, such as modules that handle HTTP requests and filesystem I/O libs.

But the program maintains the basic core language that doesn’t change. So, programmers who’ve worked with JavaScript don’t have to learn a whole new language. Rather, they just adapt what they know for the server-side environment and optimize it with node.js.

To better understand the revolutionary role of Node.js, one must first understand that Javascript had a few shortcomings, to begin with. Java is a single-threaded system. This means that the program accepts all requests in one thread.

This single thread handles everything that happens on the webpage: scrolling the page, printing on the page, and everything in between. What this means, basically, is that the server cannot process two requests at a time. It is one after another. Otherwise, the execution will be blocked, and the browser will freeze.

Then Node.js entered with a better, more efficient, incredibly progressive development: an event-driven pattern that responds to specific events. So, rather than the previous singular functions of Java, Node.js employs the use of single thread non-blocking I/O calls that support thousands of connections and do so simultaneously.

Node.js is based on the open-stack web, is written in Java, and is more dynamic than any of its predecessors. Ryan Dahl, in creating this program, was inspired by applications such as Gmail. His number one goal was to create real-time websites with push capability.

Features of Node.js

Below are the features of Node.js:


All Node.js library APIs are asynchronous. Another word for this is “non-blocking.” This basically means that a Node.js-based server doesn’t need an API to return data. The server moves to the next API after calling it, and a notification mechanism of Events of Node.js helps the server to get a response from the previous API call.

Language Sharing

JavaScript is used for both front-end and back-end development with Node.js. This makes the language more consistent across the application. Compared to most applications that use different languages for front-end and back-end development, this stands out.

Within Node.js, you can exchange code between the clients and the server applications, and you can also use JavaScript for the entire development process. This allows for improved communication between back-end and front-end teams.

This also makes full-stack development simpler and more accessible. This is because you no longer need to locate an engineer fluent in numerous programming languages to have it function.

Also, while many Node.js developers choose to work with JavaScript because it is dynamically typed, those who prefer static typing can stick with TypeScript. Node.js allows you to choose either option to tailor your working environment to your preferred requirements.

Fast Development

Node.js is founded on Google Chrome’s V8 JavaScript Engine. This makes Node.js library very rapid in code execution.

The JavaScript language is relatively simple to learn. Most front-end developers are familiar with this tool. It makes for a short and timely learning curve when you’re moving from front-end to full-stack development using Node.js.

Node.js makes it easy to get started with development. Its servers may be set up quickly, and a simple “Hello World” API can be fully functional in mere minutes.

This runtime is also a preferred choice for developers constructing microservice environments since they link multiple APIs together. And that’s because it is very simple to create an API with Node.js. Because it allows easy and timely experimentation, it is also a good choice for architecture and prototyping solutions.

Once you’re farther into the development cycle, you can switch between dynamic and static typing as needed, providing you freedom over how various components of your system are constructed. You can use as many libraries as your project requires. You either create these yourself or download and use existing ones via the Node Package Manager (NPM).

The Node Package Manager

The Node Package Manager (NPM) can be said to be one of the best advantages of the Node.js development. It is the default package manager for Node.js. Although you get many useful modules when you first install Node.js, you can better adjust the system to your needs with the help of Node Package Manager.

The function of the package manager allows downloads and the use of code packages provided by another developer in your own project. Consequently, you’re not overly tasked with developing that much code from scratch.

Node.js hosts the largest software library registry in the world and boasts over 1.3 million packages in the main registry, all of which have been created by the Node.js community. This makes solutions to the many problems encountered while developing applications quite easy to find. Millions of programmers worldwide rely on the npm Registry every day, which serves around 125 billion requests at an impressive 6 petabytes per month.

Single-Threaded Event

Node.js is known for its single-threaded event loop design. When a Node.js app starts, it initializes the event loop. Afterward, it proceeds to execute a single instruction at a time.

The benefits to this design are great and many. For one, it largely simplifies development since developers don’t need to worry about managing multiple threads. It improves performance because it can process more requests at the same time compared to other designs.

It makes for more scalable apps since individual parts of the app can be scaled down as needed without affecting the entire system.

This architecture is ideal for real-time applications like chatbots, which need to respond immediately to user input.

The event mechanism helps the server to respond in a non-blocking way and makes the server highly scalable as opposed to traditional servers, which create limited threads to handle requests. With its single-threaded program, Node.js can provide service to a much larger number of requests than traditional servers like Apache HTTP Server.

Also, Node.js applications never buffer any data. These applications simply output the data in chunks.

Native Support in AWS

A host is required for all web applications, and Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the most used hosting platform, accounting for 32% of the cloud market. AWS supports Node.js and is well-integrated with the platform.

Cloud9, an Amazon in-browser Integrated Development Environment (IDE), allows users to write and change code right in their browser. It has one of the lowest entry barriers for a scalable microservice and is popular for being well-compatible with Node.js.

With AWS tools, you utilize JavaScript. You can also use Node.js with Amazon’s Internet of Things (IoT), SDK (which also supports Typescript), and the AWS Cloud Development Kit for JavaScript.

Advantages of Node.js

Below are the advantages of Node.js:

Lightweight and Scalable

Node.js employs the use of an asynchronous event-driven I/O model. This enables the technology a lightweight and scalable edge and a great choice that enables flexibility and lays the groundwork for further growth.

Vast Libraries and Tools

Npm, the default Node.js package manager, serves as a marketplace for open-source JavaScript tools, which plays an important role in advance of this technology.

With more than 1 million packages in the npm registry and about 42 thousand dedicated to Node.js alone, the Node.js framework is very vast and well-endowed. The same stats point out that 97 percent of modern web applications consist of npm modules. This is more than enough proof o its undebatable popularity with developers.

With such a vast variety of free tools accessible in a few clicks, there is a huge potential for the use of Node.js. Open-source software also enjoys growing popularity as it allows you to build new solutions. As a result, this reduces the overall costs of development and time to market.

Simplifies Developers’ Work

Node.js has changed the entire game. It has simplified developers’ work. It has reinvented the way we create websites. Now, developers build pivotal functions in days, not weeks. Software developers also have it easy now. They can simply download common features in the form of smaller open-source software modules using the node package manager.

Stability and Corporate Support

While software developers, including Node.js developers, are used to things constantly changing, with new technologies replacing old ones, corporate organizations seek stability and long-term support.

With stakeholders to please and customers to serve, they can’t afford to blindly follow the hype and adopt every new technology that comes along, hoping it can survive past the stage of infancy and deliver on its promises.

But node.js users don’t have this to worry about. This is because Node.js has a detailed long-term support (LTS) policy that clarifies release schedules and specifies exactly how long a given version will be supported for critical fixes.

According to the third annual node.js report by the Node JS Foundation, up to seventy percent of node.js developers see LTS (long-term support) as an incredibly important feature.

Hence, this is a powerful number that largely explains why node.js has become a golden staple for corporate organizations.

Large Community and Gentle Learning Curve

Node.js has become the most common web engineering technology since 2022. 42 percent of survey respondents confirmed they use it or are learning it.

Express is the most popular Node.js framework. It’s the fourth most common web technology, with 22.99 percent of respondents using it.

These stats show beyond a reasonable doubt that Node.js is today’s apex standard for web development. Companies hiring Node.js developers aren’t likely to suffer the shortage of available professionals. Also, engineers now have high-powered solutions at the tips of their fingers.


Node.js is a cross-platform framework. What this means is that corporate organizations can easily target all major platforms, including Windows, Linux, and macOS. And all of this with one code base.

Disadvantages of Node.js

Node.js has many advantages. But like everything else, it also has its not-so-good side. The disadvantages of Node.js include the following;


That node.js is a mostly open-sourced technology is not all perfect. It has its own complications as well. The quality of the core node.js technology is supervised by Joyent, their financial sponsor, and other major contributors. However, the rest of the tools can often lack the quality and high coding standards set by global organizations.

Also, the node package manager is an advantage of Node.js. But as nothing is perfect all the time, it can have its drawbacks too. While the number of modules and packages available in the registry is great and there is definitely a lot to choose from – you can even be spoilt for choice – some packages can be either low-quality or poorly documented.

Although having nothing to do with the quality of the core Node.js code, the tools that are sourced and contributed within the ecosystem can sometimes be substandard.

Heavy Computation

Despite its many benefits, Node.js’ greatest shortcoming is its inability to process CPU-bound tasks fast. The error occurs when Node.js receives a CPU-bound task: Whenever a heavy request comes to the event loop, Node.js sets all the CPU available to process it first and then answer other requests queued.

The result of this is slow processing and a general delay in the event loop. As a result, node.js cannot be suggested in good faith for heavy loaded computations.

However, in 2018, multithreading was introduced in Node.js after the 10.5.0 update. The worker threads module, a new feature, can be used to leverage additional threads from a thread pool to carry CPU-bound tasks. Worker threads allow for running several Node.js instances inside a process sharing the same system memory.

That means that heavy parallel processes can be executed on a different thread. This is an efficient solution for solving some CPU-centered tasks, but it doesn’t really empower node.js to become a heavy-computation-friendly technology.

Immature Tooling and Dependency Management

The core Node.js modules are stable and well-mature. However, there are many tools in the npm registry which are either of poor quality or not properly documented.

Additionally, the node package registry itself isn’t structured well enough to offer the tools based on their rating or quality. Because of this, it can occasionally prove difficult when it comes to locate the most efficient solution for your purposes, especially if you’re not certain what you’re looking for.

Single-threaded Processes

Due to Node.js’ functionality, it can process each command only one at a time. And while the blocking of other processes is avoided by the implementation of the asynchronous mechanism, thereby granting the system the ability to perform several simple tasks simultaneously, a complex calculation requiring a lot of processing resources may freeze the flow and consequently cause some delays. Therefore, the single-threaded event process also has its drawback.

When to Use Node.js

If you’re just starting, it might be confusing the know when you should or shouldn’t use Node.js. here are a few scenarios where Node.js would be perfect:

Data Streaming

In simple terms, data streaming is the process of breaking large files into smaller cubes to provide smooth and fluid streaming. Node.js is perfect for these kinds of tasks, as it supplies an application programming interface to work with streams. This consequently creates readable and writable data streams. A famous company that uses Node.js for data streaming is Netflix.

Real-time Chats

Node.js processes real-time communication very quickly and efficiently. This is largely because of its single-threaded nature. It also makes it simple to build additional chat features like multi-person chats, push notifications, etc.,.

Collaborative Tools

Node.js’ function of managing several processes at the same time comes in handy here. Node.js delivers results for applications where immediate updates and management of multiple processes are needed, such as team management programs and documentation suites.


Internet of Things, or IoT applications, are made up of many sensors. This is because they frequently send small chunks of data that can pile up into large requests over time. Because of this, Node.js makes for an efficient choice, as it can handle these simultaneous requests speedily.

Hardware Programming

Examples of the hardware we speak of include robots, drones, quadcopters, and other IoT (Internet of Things) devices. Node.js’ ability to perform several tasks simultaneously also triumphs here.

With Node.js (and the relevant) technologies and frameworks (Johnny-Five, Cylon.js), the opportunity to develop robots and JS-controlled devices like NodeBots abounds.

Complex single-page applications (SPAs)

The whole application is loaded in single-page applications. Normally, this leads to a couple of requests made in the background for specific components. Node.js’s event loop comes to the rescue here, as it processes requests with its non-blocking and efficient method.

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Node.js is a powerful tool that performs many functions excellently. The list of applications that can be powered by Node.js is long and vast, and many projects stand to benefit well from this great new development. Among many of its kind, Node.js stands out and is well worth it when used correctly and efficiently.

Node.js’s popularity means thousands of open-source tools, frameworks, projects, and boilerplate code can be found for use in your project. You don’t have to relearn a lot. All you have to do is choose what works best for you, and get cracking.


Is Node.js a programming language?

While it is often defined as a programming language, Node.js is actually not. It is much more than that.

JavaScript used to be associated with only the frontend side of Web development, but with the introduction of Node.js in 2009, the JavaScript ecosystem suddenly grew to include the backend as well.

With the use of tools such as MEAN, MEVN, or other solutions that incorporate JavaScript, Node.js is a gateway to building full-stack applications purely in JavaScript. It converts JavaScript code into low-level machine code. It is efficient, fast, and lightweight.

Where to use Node.js?

Node.js has proven itself a highly capable technology in fields such as single page applications, data streaming applications, JSON APIs-based applications, I/O bound applications, Data Intensive Real-time Applications (DIRT), and more.

What can you use Node.js for?

Node.js can be used in building real-time applications that generate a large number of I/O operations and a huge traffic load. Examples of this include instant messaging apps, gaming applications, discussion boards, project management tools, social networking apps, IoT devices and apps, video, and audio broadcasting apps, etc.

If you need highly qualified Node.js apps developers at the right price for your project, contact us now!

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