Karl Gorman
Chudovo continues a practice to work on customer side

Chudovo continues a practice to work on customer side

Chudovo continues to cooperate with leading provider of innovative video security solutions on the market. After dev team successfully passed professional training in May, showing good results, to Germany was invited our QA team. Our representatives attended specialized lectures, where they received new knowledges in the field of video security. During one month Chudovo QA team gained new experience and improved professional skills, working along with colleagues from other countries. Our specialists got certificates about successful completion of the training, which confirm their qualification and professional level. QA team continues working on video security project after return to Ukraine with new forces and enthusiasm.

Xamarin dev team also had an opportunity to work side by side with international colleagues. Our specialists spent one month in Germany, working on a project and improving their skills. Chudovo developers not only received invaluable knowledges, which they will definitely apply in practice, but also shared experience with other members of international team.

Our Xamarin specialists visited annual GamesCom exhibition, which takes place in August in Cologne and attracts thousands of visitors from all over the world. Chudovo team was impressed by the largest event for computer and video games. Now our professionals, inspired by GamesCom, are ready to solve tasks of different complexity and to cope with all arising difficulties for achievement of their goals.

In October our Java developers visited trainings in Germany. Chudovo team worked hard during one month side by side with international specialists. Our developers faced with lots of challenges, which not only made them stronger, but also brought a lot of invaluable experience. Now our professionals continue their work in Ukraine, making a great contribution to the further development of the project.

In November was formed a new group for business trip to Germany. At the customer side our representatives visited specialized lectures for upgrading their skills and for getting new knowledges in the field of video security. Through an opportunity to work along with professionals from other countries Chudovo dev team quickly founded a common language with international colleagues and successfully started with solving of new difficult and at the same time challenging tasks. After return to office in Kyiv our guys with a big passion and inspiration begin to dedicate all talents to work for the purpose of making great things in the field of video security.

It should be said that the scheme of temporary job at the customer side has a lot of advantages. Among them:

  • fast and efficient introduction to the new project
  • quick learning of the new material within the shortest possible period
  • direct acquaintance with other members of the team that contributes to establishment of good relationships in the team in future
  • raising of team spirit
  • flexibility
  • achievement of best results

Chudovo appreciates an opportunity to be a part of big international teams, which is engaged in complex projects. We hope to continue working in the same way, taking part in development and providing qualified work for our customers.